The target of socionics study was the ways of human interaction with the world. That is, all people differ in how they perceive information, process and digest it in themselves, and how they give out a response.
Socionics highlights the leading "organ", which becomes a kind of checkpoint of a person, providing any interaction with the world. Curious what type you are?
Science or not?
Socionics appeared in the 1970s in the USSR. Its author was the sociologist and economist Aushra Augustinavichute . Aushra was inspired by Carl Jung's theory of personality types. Jung created a deep psychological concept not only about personality types, but also about the structure of the psyche, about the features of personality development.
What was special about Jung's theory was that not only each person has his own unconscious sphere, but there is also a collective unconscious. This is a huge field of information, knowledge, experiences and experience accumulated by generations of every nation.
For example, lived grief during the Great Patriotic War. According to Jung's theory, not only the stories of ancestors are preserved in the memory of people, but there is also the memory of an entire people, in which everything experienced, all the grief that once united not only people who were relatives by blood, remained.
And this collective memory affects the consciousness of people living today. That is why the pain of the experienced tragedy still reverberates in those people who did not directly participate in it. After all, every person is a part of the people.
You have probably heard that all people are divided into extroverts and introverts. These concepts were introduced by Carl Jung. He believed that there are four functions of the psyche by which types of people can be distinguished:
- Thinking
- Intuition
- Feelings (emotions)
- Sensations
Depending on which function is more developed in a person, it can be attributed to one of the types: mental, sensual, sensing and intuitive.
To all this, Jung added that there is also a certain orientation of the personality. Where his energy is directed more - inward or outward. Based on this, he identified two vectors - introversion and extraversion.
- An introvert is a person whose energy is directed inward. Outwardly, the emotions of these people are weak, but inside, storms are being played out! They do not like to be the center of attention and are generally quite withdrawn.
- Extroverts, on the contrary, love communication, relax among people. Their energy is directed to the outside world. They really like to interact, they can hardly endure isolation and loneliness.
Here you can already search, which type is closer to you?
As a result, according to Jung's theory, there are several subtypes. Each of the four functions also has its own vector. That is, the thinking type can be introversive or extroversive. And so on for each type. Of course, as in any theory, "pure" types are extremely rare.
Socionics was born on the foundation of this solid theory, recognized by the world scientific community. But it has never been recognized by science. Socionics is considered a pseudoscience, but interesting and fascinating.
What is interesting in it?
Aushra did not at all succumb to the difficulties of classification and, apparently, took up her theory with enthusiasm. You will hardly find such a number of types anywhere else! It is a pity that such a colossal work is not recognized by science.
So, take a look and try to find yourself!
- The first type is "Stirlitz" or "Administrator". This is a type whose thinking is well developed, while sensations are also a strong point. Orientation - extrovert. A person who knows how to support any conversation, smart and reasonable, and even sensitive.
- The second type is "Maxim Gorky" or "Inspector". Thinking and sensations are also well developed, but the energy is directed inward - an introvert. A kind of silent intellectual, sensitive to the state of other people and to everything that happens.
- The third type is "Jack London" or "Entrepreneur". Well developed thinking and intuition. At the same time, the orientation is extravertive. A sociable and energetic person, he feels where to direct his energy so that it gives good results.
- The fourth type is "Robespierre" or "Analyst". Thinking and intuition are also strong points, but the focus is an introvert. Surely such a person will seem cunning to you. He interacts little with people, but feels and understands a lot.
- The fifth type is "Hugo" or "Enthusiast". The sphere of feelings and emotions, as well as sensations, is well developed. This person is sensitive both emotionally and physically. At the same time, the orientation is an extrovert. Such people seem to be very open and bright, they are always among people, they love hugs and fun.
- The sixth type is "Dreiser" or "Keeper". It differs from the previous one in an introvertive orientation. Possessing high sensitivity, he tends to avoid intensive communication and contacts. Apparently, he treats his high sensitivity with care. All sensations are hidden inside.
- The seventh type is "Hamlet" or "Mentor". Feelings and emotions are well developed, as well as intuition. Extrovert. This is a sociable, emotional, but very sensitive person. They make real "sensei", he feels the approach to everyone.
- The eighth type is "Dostoevsky" or "Humanist". It differs from the previous type by its isolation and isolation, because the orientation is an introvert. These are really good writers and writers, since the whole inner world rich in feelings does not break out through communication and contacts, but remains inside.
- The ninth type is "Zhukov" or "Marshal". The strongest point is the feeling. Thinking is also well developed, but unlike the first type, here feelings guide the mind. Very sociable, extrovert.
- The tenth type is "Gabin" or "Master". It differs from the previous type by introversion. Reason also gives the reins of power to emotions.
- The eleventh type is "Napolen" or "politician". Strengths - sensations and feelings. Extrovert. Unlike "Hugo" and "Enthusiast", this type has more developed bodily sensations. Type "Hugo" in the first place will react to something with emotion, irritation, for example. And "Napoleon" will react with his body - instead of irritation, he will first feel a headache or something else in his body. He “understands” himself and others better through bodily sensations.
- The twelfth type is "Dumas" or "Mediator". It differs from the previous type in introversion. Also, first of all, it reacts bodily, emotions are “repaired” to the body. So, his mood can be influenced through the body: playing sports will inspire more than a sincere conversation.
- The thirteenth type is "Don Quixote" or "Seeker". Strengths - intuition and thinking. Extrovert. This type differs from "Jack London" and "Entrepreneur" in that intuition is stronger here, and thinking is secondary. "Jack London" still relies primarily on thinking, not the inner voice.
- The fourteenth type is "Balzac" or "Critic". It differs from the previous one by introversion. The same strong intuition subordinating thinking. Little contact with people.
- The fifteenth type is "Huxley" or "Counsellor". Strengths - intuition and feelings. Extrovert. It differs from "Hamlet" and "Mentor" in that here feelings "obey" the inner voice of intuition. In Hamlet, on the contrary, intuition is tied to emotions.
- The sixteenth type is Yesenin or Lyric. Intuition and emotions are also strong, but the orientation is introvertive. All sensuality and emotional intensity can be expressed through creativity, indirectly, since this type is not predisposed to contacts.