INFJ Personality Type | INFJ


An INFJ is a person who:

  • I (introversion) - focused on the inner world ( introvert )
  • N (intuition) - likes to work with ideas and abstractions
  • F (feeling) - trusts his feelings in making decisions
  • J (judgment) - prefers a structured and planned life.
INFJ Personality Type

INFJs are empathetic and perceptive. Strong intuition and a unique ability to anticipate events, understand the feelings and motivations of other people contribute to the fact that they are often called Seers. Communicating with a person, they can tell more about him than he knows about himself. Sometimes they talk about certain events in the future, although no one sees any prerequisites in the present. It is important for visionaries to learn to trust their intuition.
Visionaries have the ability to connect together the disparate parts of the whole, to bring harmony into communication between people and at the same time maintain a balance of effective processes, tasks and relationships. Often they are in the position of an observer. First, they study the situation, collect facts and form conclusions and insights. After some time, they begin to implement this in new and unusual systems and forms.

According to the statistics of people with the INFJ type in the world:

2% of the total population
2% women
1% of men

Seers prefer to choose professions where they can be creative, somewhat independent, and exercise their ability to read people and anticipate events. They feel called to make the world a better place, strive for rich and meaningful lives, and value close connections with others. They are dedicated to their work. The Seers have very interesting and unusual hobbies. Their mind is inquisitive and constantly in search of invisible connections in this world. Unfortunately, other people often do not understand INFJ's talent also because the Seers choose a complex and obscure language to convey their ideas.
Having their own system of values, the Seers tend to idealize the world, believe in a happy future and that every person is beautiful by nature. As a result of this, unpleasant disappointments in people sometimes await them.
People of this personality type are sensitive, sincere and deep. They hold a special place in the hearts of loved ones. Seers are selective in forming a circle of communication and do not share thoughts and feelings with everyone. Those they let into their world have the opportunity to see the full depth and beauty of an INFJ personality type.
Seers are not afraid of difficulties, they are able to enter into complex relationships. They often and for a long time reflect on philosophical topics, on ethical issues and on their own feelings. Calmness, patience and attentiveness make INFJs good consultants and advisers. Behind the outward simplicity and softness of the Seer lies a complex personality with a special system of views and values, which they are ready to defend resolutely.
INFJs are perceived by others as quiet, sensitive, caring and considerate, able to listen to other people's ideas and concerns.

Notable personalities of this type include:

Mahatma Gandhi
Carl Jung
Fedor Dostoevsky
van Gogh
Joanne Rowling

Sometimes the Seers are incomprehensible to the interlocutor, as they clothe thoughts in bizarre forms, words and ideas. They are very metaphorical and associative in their statements. But at the same time, they have the ability to streamline the world around them and systematize relationships and knowledge in people. Often they neglect everyday trifles and do not see problems in their day to day. But in vain. Attention to detail and connection with the present are certainly useful to the Seer.
Seers do not like conflict and try not to offend other people. A highly charged conflict situation causes INFJs to feel reluctant and repressed anger. They prefer to ignore the conflict to the last, which leads to stress and health problems. It is important for the Seer to be able to express his own feelings, not to hide them and to speak openly about his needs.
Often, Seers are perfectionists and strive to make everything perfect, which moves them away from the realization of their plans.

Strengths of INFJ Seer

1. Creative thinking. 

Possessors of a lively and vivid imagination, they easily generate new ideas and extraordinary ways of solving complex problems. Their interest revolves around people, not technical strategies, which allows them to inspire colleagues to be creative.

2. Wholeness.

Visionaries strive for personal growth, engage in their own development, and help others reach their potential.

3. Organization and focus.

Passion for the chosen cause is an integral part of the personality of people of this type. They are not afraid of hard work and will make every effort to do it in the best possible way. This perseverance helps the Seers achieve their goals and objectives.

4. Attention to other people.

Seers are effective in communication, attentive and tactful to the needs of others. Visionaries create a relaxed work environment that encourages independent thought and creative expression.

5. Altruism.

 Empathy and sincere concern for others make INFJs in some way true servants of people. It is extremely rare to see a Seer doing something for their own benefit. They tend to be very friendly and selfless, although these traits may not be noticeable at first glance.

Characteristics of Male INFJs

Male INFJs are rare and complex individuals, characterized by their empathy, insightfulness, and strong sense of intuition. They are deeply reflective and often focused on how they can make a positive impact on the world around them. In relationships, they are thoughtful, attentive, and deeply committed, seeking a partner who values depth and authenticity as much as they do. Male INFJs often have a rich inner world and may prefer expressing their feelings and thoughts through writing or creative pursuits. They seek meaningful connections and are often willing to go to great lengths to understand and support their partners.

Characteristics of Female INFJs

Female INFJs are nurturing, intuitive, and deeply compassionate, often feeling a strong sense of responsibility towards helping others. They are highly empathetic, making them attuned to the emotions and needs of their partners. In relationships, they are supportive and understanding, striving to create a harmonious and deeply connected partnership. Female INFJs value authenticity and honesty, often seeking a soulful connection that transcends superficial interactions. They are also fiercely loyal and protective of their relationships, dedicating themselves to fostering a nurturing and understanding environment.

What do you need to know about them?

  • they easily read the emotions of others;
  • overly altruistic, in an attempt to help everyone and everyone forget about their needs;
  • prefer a creative approach, templates and instructions are not for them;
  • at times very closed and reserved;
  • from an early age feel “different”, alienated, not like most people;
  • defending their values, they are more likely to be deleted from the life of a person who violated their personal boundaries than they will prove their case;
  • cherish their independence and are not afraid to break the rules;
  • tend to become addicted.

NFJs and Their Approach to Love

INFJs approach love with depth, sincerity, and a focus on long-term connection. They seek meaningful relationships that go beyond the surface, aspiring to understand and connect with their partner on a profound emotional and intellectual level. INFJs value authenticity, communication, and emotional intimacy in their relationships. They often envision a partnership that is based on mutual growth, understanding, and shared values. While they may take time to open up, once they do, they are committed and loyal partners, expressing their affection through thoughtful gestures and deep conversations. For INFJs, love is about building a deep, understanding bond that nurtures both individuals' growth and well-being.

The Desires of an INFJ

INFJs desire a connection that touches the soul, seeking relationships that are built on mutual understanding, respect, and a shared vision for the future. They yearn for a partner who appreciates their depth and complexity, and who is willing to engage in open and honest communication. INFJs aspire to create a harmonious and supportive partnership, where both individuals feel understood and valued for their authentic selves. They also seek to make a meaningful impact in the world, desiring a partner who shares their values and commitment to making a difference. Fulfillment for an INFJ comes from deep, meaningful connections, personal growth, and contributing positively to the lives of others.


Who should an INFJ marry?

An INFJ should marry someone who understands their need for depth and connection, such as ENTP or ENFP, offering a balance of intellectual stimulation, empathy, and mutual growth.

Who are INFJs most compatible with?

INFJs are most compatible with partners who share their values and desire for a deep, meaningful relationship, often finding strong connections with ENTP and ENFP personalities, who provide the understanding and excitement they crave.

What is an INFJ's soulmate?

An INFJ's soulmate is someone who truly understands and appreciates their complex nature, shares their values, and is committed to building a deep, meaningful connection, often found in ENTP and ENFP personalities.

Do INFJs fall in love easily?

INFJs do not fall in love easily, as they seek significant, meaningful connections and may take time to fully open up and trust a potential partner.

What do INFJs fall for?

INFJs fall for authenticity, intellectual and emotional depth, and a shared vision for the future, valuing partners who are empathetic, understanding, and committed to personal and mutual growth.

What makes an INFJ happy?

INFJs find happiness in deep, meaningful connections, personal growth, and making a positive impact on the world around them.

What makes an INFJ sad?

INFJs become sad when they feel misunderstood, disconnected, or unable to express their true selves, leading to feelings of loneliness or frustration.

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