ENTJ Personality Type | ENTJ

 ENTJ Commander

ENTJ is a person who:

  • E (extraversion) - energized by new events, actions and people
  • N (intuition) - likes to work with ideas and abstractions
  • T (thinking) - operates with logic in decision making
  • J (judgment) - prefers a structured and planned life.

ENTJ Personality Type

ENTJs are natural born leaders who can lead and inspire to achieve a common goal. True Commanders are courageous, responsible, active and do not back down in the face of difficulties. A difficult task and a difficult goal are their natural choice. Warlords clearly see the future and strive to implement processes as efficiently as possible. People with this personality type approach each situation in terms of productivity. They always notice what can be improved, strive to optimize the work of processes and realize their vision.
Warlords have excellent analytical thinking, which allows them to see the future, notice bottlenecks and immediately develop long-term plans to realize their vision. They prefer to immediately implement ideas and not waste time on lengthy theoretical reflections.

According to the statistics of people with the ENTJ type in the world:

2% of the total population
3% of men
1% women

Warlords are excellent communicators and enjoy communication. They value and respect people who are competent and able to argue their own point of view and consider weak those who are not capable of this. Despite their high intelligence and strategic thinking, they need the support of others to be truly effective. Even the most brilliant commander cannot win alone. Working together gives ENTJs the energy to achieve 100% results. Nothing gives them more pleasure in life than the realization of goals. The ability to influence people and motivate them to achieve results has a great influence on the success of the Commander.

Generals prefer to work in a team, take on the role and responsibility of a leader or manager, and organize processes and people to achieve personal and company goals. People with this personality type are focused on corporate careers. Perseverance, stubbornness, focus on results and leadership qualities allow them to be successful in business, move towards goals and ignore possible difficulties. Status, position of power and influence on other people are of great importance to them and indicate ambition. Career and work are so busy for people with this type of personality that they often replace hobbies and entertainment. Generals may not notice that they live in an intensive mode, which can later result in health problems.

Notable personalities of this type include:

Margaret Thatcher
Napoleon Bonaparte
Harrison Ford
Quentin Tarantino

People with this personality type are strict with themselves and do not tolerate mistakes. They are also critical and harsh about the incompetence of others. Other people accusations against themselves from the Commander can hurt. Their arguments sound clear and reasonable, as a result of which others perceive the Generals as too self-confident and arrogant. Low emotional sensitivity allows Warlords to directly and rudely point out mistakes and unproductiveness to others. For them, the result and efficiency is more important than the feelings of the interlocutor. They expect people to adjust and stop showing their own emotions. The desire for results and a promising vision prevent them from taking the position of another person and understanding his feelings. The commander should consciously work on the study of his emotional side,

Strengths of the ENTJ Commander

1. Leadership.

Warlords have an outstanding ability to organize people and resources to achieve high results. Competently set tasks and lead to the implementation of the plans.

2. Strategy and vision of the new.

People with this personality type are strategists who accurately anticipate events, quickly calculate and calculate the best ways to solve a particular problem. They easily create strategic plans that make it easier to achieve long-term goals.

3. Purposefulness and efficiency.

Accepting a new challenge and achieving goals is the greatest satisfaction for the ENTJ Warlord. When others give up, Warlords continue to forge ahead and achieve impressive results through determination and willpower. The more difficult the task, the more interesting it is.

4. High status and intelligence.

A broad outlook and high intelligence make the Commander competent and efficient. In their environment, they prefer to see the same educated people, aimed at success and results.

5. Strength of will.

Strong will and striving for results allow them to always achieve their goals.

Your identity code is ENTJ

Deciphering the personality code according to the Myers-Briggs test will slightly open the curtain on a person's subconscious motives. If, following the results of this questionnaire, you got the result of the ENTJ personality type, then you should seriously think about whether you are doing your own business if you still do not have your own yacht, a house in the Maldives and a Swiss bank account.

It is to such individuals that the world should be grateful for modern technological developments, for achievements in the business sphere, for company services that are used by the entire population of the planet. The ENTJ personality type is called "Commander" and is endowed with the following strengths:

  • A person with this code has a strong character, has confidence and courage. She is resolute in her actions and is ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to her goal.
  • The main advantage of people with this indicator is the ability to cope with pressure from outside. Internal forces and resources make it possible not to succumb to outside influence.
  • Decisions are made deliberately, each step must be strategic and entail the desired consequences. These personalities never act on emotions, which allows them to take a sober look at the situation.
  • A person with the ENTJ code comes into the world with the makings of a leader, she dominates and sometimes even suppresses her energy. Working in the same team with the "Commander" is difficult, as he does not tolerate laziness, delay in action and lack of initiative. The slightest mistake in the work is not forgiven, in the eyes of the ENTJ personality, every action of a person is not accidental, it fully characterizes his essence.
  • Surprisingly, this type of personality combines logic and intuition. Equally, they trust their feelings and experience, knowledge and rational reasoning. This is how their nervous system is arranged, which allows them to use these abilities at the same time.
  • With all their self-confidence and uniqueness, these people are very cautious. Perhaps it is this trait that allows them to develop an unmistakable plan of action.

The only disadvantage that can cause problems in life for people with the ENTJ personality type is their competitive spirit, which manifests itself in everything. This quality does not allow building long-term, strong relationships. But experts say that working on oneself can reduce the severity of this orientation and allow you to harmoniously build relationships with other people.

What you need to know about the ENTJ personality type

ENTJs are strategic leaders motivated to organize change. After all, it is not for nothing that this type of personality in the typology of Myers and Briggs is called a commander or commander. They like to develop long-term plans and step by step to achieve their goals. They quickly see the ineffectiveness of certain decisions and know exactly what needs to be changed in order to achieve the desired result.

ENTJs are characterized by an analytical mindset. From the point of view of socionics, this type of personality is one of the most objective in its value judgments. They like to put things in order in the world and around them. When there are flaws in the system, ENTJ notices them and takes great pleasure in implementing the best methods and techniques.

ENTJs are assertive, like to take responsibility and are not at all afraid of it. They see their role as a manager and leader who organizes processes and leads people to achieve the most ambitious goals.

ENTJ is an acronym that stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. In the typology of Katherine Briggs and Isabelle Myers, this is one of the rarest personality types. A key characteristic of such people is an innate desire to lead others.

What is important for commanders

Most ENTJs are workaholics. They are motivated by potential success in their careers, they get incomparable pleasure from hard work, which for other people is plowing and real hard labor.

Warlords are interested in gaining influence and power. There is never enough for them. Each successive achievement in the life of a commander is just a new step on the way to new achievements. ENTJs are very determined and direct. In an effort to achieve their goals, such people are often critical and even harsh.

At the same time, the generals are quite sociable and friendly, although in the heat of their worries they may not notice the emotional experiences and nuances of other people. Commanders really like to work in a team, because it helps to significantly speed up the process of achieving the desired goal.

Weaknesses of ENTJS

1. Where without negative sides.

we all have shortcomings. Commanders have several qualities that can interfere with their lives:

2. Excessive scrupulousness.

Commanders are true experts in finding flaws and holes. Combined with their characteristic directness, this can make them critical, picky, and even ruthless.

3. Intolerance.

ENTJS individuals sometimes set unrealistic standards not only for themselves, but also for those around them. They often lack patience with people who are naturally slower and less straightforward.

4. Arrogance.

Whatever one may say, ENTJS personalities look down on those who cannot boast of the following qualities - quick wit, determination, strategic thinking. On the basis of this, commanders often have to face conflicts.

5. Bad work with emotions.

It cannot be said that the generals have a well-developed empathy. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. In order for the commander to recognize the value of someone else's opinion and take into account the feelings of another person, he needs tremendous efforts.


Famous ENTJS personalities: Margaret Thatcher, Harrison Ford, Quentin Tarantino, Napoleon Bonaparte, David Letterman, Kamala Harris and many others. In fact, there are enough commanders among influential people, successful businessmen and managers. In part, both innate characteristics and leadership qualities helped to achieve such results and become famous all over the world.


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