ENFJ Personality Type | ENFJ

 ENFJ Mentor

ENFJ is a person who:

  • E (extraversion) - energized by new events, actions and people
  • N (intuition) - likes to work with ideas and abstractions
  • F (feeling) - trusts his feelings in making decisions
  • J (judgment) - prefers a structured and planned life.

ENFJ Personality Type

ENFJs are able to see the potential in others and want each person to play to their strengths. They are great teachers and mentors who help others grow and develop. Therefore, they are often referred to as the Mentors.
Possessing bright charisma, Mentors easily convince and carry away. At the same time, they radiate warmth and create a wonderful productive atmosphere. Mentors value close communication and are attentive to the emotions and needs of others. A deep sense of altruism and empathy for others are their hallmarks. People of this personality type derive their greatest satisfaction from serving and helping people.

According to the statistics of people with ENFJ type in the world:

3% of the total population
3% women
2% of men

Mentors know how to set goals and achieve them in the most effective way. They do not sit still and are constantly moving forward. The powerful qualities of a talented organizer allow them to easily bring people together to work together on a goal or task. Act as a catalyst for processes and projects.
People with this personality type are excellent communicators. They enjoy communication and are able to find an approach to any person, penetrating into the very heart. ENFJs work hard to maintain strong relationships and strive to be valued members of the community. They like to be loved, they are very sensitive to feedback, both positive and negative. Mentors expect the best not only from themselves, but also from others, and are disappointed when others do not live up to their expectations or do not perform well.
People with this personality type are built to work in a team and tend to be responsive colleagues and reliable partners. They are happy to take on global plans, generate ideas, outline goals and methods for achieving the task. At the same time, they try to complete the project quickly, without violating the deadlines. The situation of incompleteness weighs them down. In structuring their time to interact with others, Mentors may lose sight of personal interests. Putting the needs of others above your own is a characteristic of type people. But they should not sacrifice themselves to the desire to help others. Therefore, you should try to maintain the necessary balance and find time for solitude and focus on your desires and needs.

Notable personalities of this type include:

Martin Luther King
John Paul II
Oprah Winfrey
Vladimir Zelensky

Mentors are ambitious, but their ambition is selfless. They are driven by personal responsibility to make the world a better place. On the other hand, Guides may be too altruistic and empathetic. When ENFJs get too caught up in other people's problems, they are unable to disengage and may become depressed.

Strengths of an ENFJ Mentor

1. Born leader.

Mentors are an example of an inspiring leader focused on the needs and challenges of others. They clearly see the goal and are able to motivate others to achieve it.

2. Efficiency.

Mentors are able to organize themselves and others to accomplish a common task. They always stick to deadlines, follow a set plan, and motivate the entire team to work effectively while maintaining a positive relationship.

3. The ability to inspire.

ENFJs have a great impact on others, interest their ideas, motivate and cause delight and inspiration. People like to work together and under the guidance of a Mentor.

4. Following values.

The main life value is to give others love, support, fun and vivid emotions. They are focused on understanding, supporting and approving people. They get the highest pleasure when they help others to make their dreams come true.

5. Harmony.

Mentors have a special talent for creating a harmonious and supportive work environment. They support relationships between people and help them interact effectively and comfortably with each other.

6. Charisma.

ENFJs are charismatic and pleasant to talk to. Charming, incendiary, passionate and witty, Mentors are very popular and evoke vivid emotions in others.

Features of the ENFJ personality type

Worldwide, people with this type of temperament are found no more than 2%. According to the decoding of the MBTI personality typology system, this type of temperament is called "Coach". Based on the 4 scales of the questionnaire, the "Trainer" has the following guidelines:

  • Extrovert. His inner world is completely dedicated to people and society as a whole. His work is connected with people. It feeds energy from interaction with society, from important and global events, activities and actions.
  • He processes information through a highly developed intuition.
  • Any decision is made through the inner world, through sensations and feelings. He will not trust his eyes, his inner voice will rather tell you how to be in this or that situation.
  • Of course, this personality type will not take action without a plan. It is important for him to discuss everything in advance, to prepare, to think over all possible moves. He knows how to think on a large scale, several options for the development of events go through his mind in a second and he will choose the most suitable for him.

People whose personality code is ENFJ have the following qualities:

  • Inner confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • Well developed intuition.
  • The ability to influence other people. The coach is able to rally the team, he is a natural speaker and leader. The inner confidence of the "Coach" instills in other people faith in their own strengths. His main trump card is the ability to understand the motives and preferences of people.
  • Such people have courage and determination.
  • Idea generators, enthusiasts and optimists. Highly developed empathy and altruism. They are able to immerse themselves in the problems of other people, this often leads to the loss of their own strength. The full return of one's energy, sympathy and experience blur the line, and the “Coach” can begin to try on the problems of another person for themselves. Perhaps this is the only negative in the ENFJ's temperament.

People with the ENFJ personality type charge with their energy, inner strength and faith, they are able to inspire the whole country to action. There are few individuals in the world with this type of temperament, among them there are presidents, leaders of states, popular presenters, actors and leaders of church denominations. An interesting fact, psychologists say that there are more women among this personality code than men.

The rarest personality type

There are many interesting tools for deepening knowledge about the personality, skills and preferences of candidates and employees. One of the most popular is the MBTI questionnaire. This test is readily used by both ordinary people and business leaders.

However, the MBTI does not have a good reputation in the scientific community - it is often compared to a fortune cookie or a horoscope. What is special about MBTI, why do opinions differ so much about it?

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a concept based on a diagnostic tool developed by the author. It is used to measure personality traits based on four independent dimensions. They combine into 16 possible combinations that make up the individual personality types.

The original MBTI questionnaire consists (depending on the version) of 88 or 93 questions. As part of the response, the person being diagnosed is instructed to choose one of the two options by allocating the appropriate number of points on separate scales.

The main element that distinguishes a person's personality, according to Carl Gustav Jung, is the introversion-extroversion dimension. Introverts are energized primarily from the inner world and focus more on their thoughts, while extroverts are energized from the outside world and focus more on action. According to Jung, the human mind functions in four main modes.

In the middle of the twentieth century, Katherine Briggs, together with her daughter Isabelle Briggs-Myers, prepared her own concept (MBTI) based on Jung's discoveries. Today, this tool is used by hundreds of companies around the world, including large corporations.

The goal is typically to improve team management, employee development, and support for recruitment processes. Despite widespread support for the MBTI, the scientific community does not share the enthusiasm. Criticism is primarily due to the lack of solid scientific evidence to support the concept.

Much of the life-long research that supports the effectiveness of the MBTI tool comes from an organization affiliated with the Myers-Briggs Foundation. There is also concern about the lack of reliability, which does not meet the strict standards developed by psychometrists. It happens that by performing the test twice with an interval of several weeks, the same person gets different results.

The ENFJ personality type is one of the rarest of the sixteen types, covering only about 2-3% of the population. ENFJ is attractive, charismatic, persuasive and talkative. These personality traits contribute to their status as the kings and queens of the social realm. ENFJ can read quickly and easily connect with other people. Because of their love for people, developed intuition and great social intelligence, such people make friends quite easily.

They are born coaches, they work hard, they easily understand people, which contributes to their effectiveness in education, consulting, sales, public relations and other areas of activity. Indeed, their self-esteem largely revolves around their social fitness. With each new person they meet and communicate with, their faith in themselves only grows stronger.

Over time, ENFJs gradually become aware of their ability to influence and persuade others. At some point, they realize that they can use their power of persuasion during communication to get almost anything they want. From that moment on, they have to fight the temptation, because they are ready to use their charm and charisma to achieve their goals. These people are firmly convinced that "the end justifies the means", manipulating and politicizing their way to the top.

Sometimes they may refuse the temptation of quick success in order to maintain their honesty. But since ENFJs are the most persuasive personality type (even if they are somewhat indecisive), other people respond well to their advice. While ENFJs certainly want to help and support others, their reasons are not always entirely altruistic.

The possibility of failure on the part of their "students" may seem like a threat to ENFJs' ability to fulfill themselves, as their followers are extensions of themselves. Deep down, enfj feel that a "bad student" is a reflection of a "bad teacher".

Another psychological element of ENFJs that cannot be overlooked is their desire for self-control. Unfortunately, like other types, ENFJs often overestimate their skills. And although they may strive or even believe that they have practically achieved self-control, they are usually much better at judging and managing others than they are able to handle themselves.

They are also motivated by personal improvement, including the satisfaction that comes from being appreciated and admired. They usually seek in every way to accelerate the personal growth of others, which, in turn, strengthens their self-esteem. Such people are purposeful, emotional and always talkative. They gesticulate a lot and have exceptional sympathy, noticing all the emotions of strangers. Too jealous and extremely distrustful, but usually always ready for upcoming situations in advance. However, it is important to remember that this idea of ​​determining personality types in socionics is not to fit people into some kind of framework, while destroying their entire individuality. The MBTI is intended more as a tool to explore one's own thought processes, weaknesses, strengths, or natural dispositions.

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