Revolutionizing Skincare: An In-Depth Review of Agency Skincare

agency skincare reviews

Embarking on my skincare journey decades ago, the beauty world was much simpler. Limited active ingredients were known to the public, and product options were scarce. However, times have changed. Now, we have an overwhelming array of products at our fingertips, all claiming to turn back the hands of time.

While I'm grateful to witness this era of beauty, the abundance of choices has become a double-edged sword. How do we select the right products? And how do we ensure they work harmoniously together?

Introducing Agency Skincare

Amidst the information overload and product fatigue, I discovered Agency Skincare. I yearned for simplicity and effectiveness—a metaphorical all-inclusive resort for my skin, where decisions were made and skin issues were addressed using cutting-edge ingredients. I sought to attain better skin texture and reduce hyperpigmentation, a concern I've had since experiencing hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Perhaps some of you can relate to this desire for a simpler skincare experience. It was precisely this yearning that led me to try and review Agency Skincare.

Why Agency Stood Out

  1. Agency came into my life when I was most fatigued by the abundance of options. It ticked off several essential criteria:
  2. A Complete Skin Solution: Agency offered a comprehensive range of products tailored to address my specific skin issues—anti-aging and hyperpigmentation.
  3. Well-Researched Ingredients: The products were formulated with meticulously researched active ingredients, ensuring their effectiveness.
  4. Medical Oversight: Agency provided the unique advantage of having medical professionals oversee and communicate in real-time regarding my skincare routine.
  5. Customizable Routine: Unlike static skincare routines, Agency's approach evolved based on individual needs, adapting to the unique requirements of each customer.

Agency Before and After Photos

To offer you an unbiased perspective, let's begin with unfiltered progress photos taken over a five-month period. Spoiler alert: the results have been remarkable, 

Agency Before and After

Agency Before and After

The Magic Behind Agency's Success

Now, you may wonder, what makes Agency Skincare so effective? I believe it boils down to two essential factors: Product (ingredients) and Process.

What is Agency Skincare?

Agency Skincare is a subscription-based line that provides semi-customized skincare solutions. This approach is gaining momentum in the market, with an increasing number of players like Curology, Musely, and Apostrophe.

While Agency doesn't explicitly describe itself as semi-customized, in my estimation, the label is apt. The two core products offered by Agency contain a defined set of ingredients that do not deviate. To tackle anti-aging and hyperpigmentation concerns, Agency compounds and prescribes a subset of these ingredients tailored to each customer.

For a complete list of these ingredients and their benefits, you can refer to the Resource Library provided on their website.

Understanding the Agency Skincare Process

Interactions with Agency predominantly occur through their well-designed website and messaging platform. While live conversations are not available, the platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, it's worth mentioning that some individuals, myself included, may still long for the personal touch of live communication for customizing their skincare routine.

The process begins with a comprehensive questionnaire covering medical and skin history, medications, and specific areas of concern. Facial photos are uploaded initially and every two months to monitor progress. Products and formulations are prescribed based on personal history.

Each customer is assigned a medical professional—an experienced Physician's Assistant (PA) in my case—who reaches out every 60 days to track skin progress. Formulations are re-assessed based on progress, and updated products with accompanying instructions are shipped every two months.

In case of any issues or questions between updates, one can reach out to the PA, and responses are typically received within 24-48 hours. Additionally, there's a Knowledge Library and a helpful Facebook discussion group available for further guidance.

Agency Skincare Products

The Agency skincare line comprises three primary product types, with four products in total:

1. Cloud Care Duo (Cleanser & Moisturizer - sold as a set)

2. Future Formula

3. Dark Spot Formula

While the Cloud Care Duo remains the same for all customers, both the Future Formula and Dark Spot Formula can be fully customized by Agency.

Cloud Care Duo: Cleanser and Moisturizer

I must admit, both the cleanser and moisturizer products exceeded my expectations. In particular, the moisturizer proved to be one of the best daily moisturizers I've ever tried. Its exceptional moisturizing properties come without a greasy feel, which is a rare combination to find.

Regrettably, for those interested, Agency does not sell its products separately or outside of the prescription subscription. The cleanser and moisturizer can only be purchased as a set.

What sets these products apart is their combination of ingredients and their ability to provide effective hydration and moisturization. This is especially impressive considering the potential for irritation and dryness due to the other products in the line.

    Future Formula: Addressing Skin Texture

The Future Formula primarily focuses on skin texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and more. For a detailed list of ingredients, refer to the Resource Library.

The anti-aging powerhouse ingredient in the Future Formula is Tretinoin, also known as Retin A. As seen in my progress overview, Agency gradually increases the concentration of Tretinoin based on your skin's ability to tolerate it.

Future Formula Agency Skincare

Tretinoin is an incredibly transformative prescription skincare ingredient. It influences skin cell behavior, accelerates skin cell turnover, promotes the growth of new skin cells and collagen production. It effectively addresses skin texture, acne, and dark spots.

While Tretinoin is a remarkable ingredient, it does come with potential side effects. Overuse or improper application can lead to dryness, flakiness, increased sensitivity to sunlight, or even increased acne. It's crucial to have a provider guide you through the process, and Agency's inclusion of additional critical ingredients further enhances the potential for success.

Dexpanthenol & Niacinamide: Moisturizing Heroes

Two other notable ingredients in the Future Formula are Dexpanthenol and Niacinamide. They provide moisturization and are typically used to treat or prevent dry skin. These ingredients likely help counterbalance the potential irritation caused by Tretinoin.

Tranexamic Acid: The Brightening Factor

Tranexamic Acid, a newer acid in the market, significantly aids in brightening the skin and reducing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Dark Spot Formula: Targeting Hyperpigmentation

The Dark Spot Formula, in conjunction with the Future Formula, effectively combats hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Here is my Dark Spot formulation and prescription over the last six months:

Dark Spot Formula

Hydroquinone: The Dark Spot Powerhouse

Similar to Tretinoin's role in addressing skin texture, Agency leverages Hydroquinone as the primary ingredient for the Dark Spot Formula. Hydroquinone is considered the "gold standard" for reducing dark spots as it inhibits melanin production(which leads to the formation of spots).

While Hydroquinone is highly effective, prolonged use can lead to the skin developing resistance to it. Moreover, discontinuing Hydroquinone abruptly may cause new spots to appear. Agency takes a thoughtful approach to mitigate these issues by cycling Hydroquinone on and off every two months. During the off-cycle, the Dark Spot Formula is reformulated to include an increase in non-hydroquinone melanin inhibitors such as Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid, and Tranexamic Acid. Both the Future Formula and Dark Spot Formula incorporate these ingredients.

Resveratrol and Green Tea Extract: The Soothing Duo

The final two ingredients, Resveratrol and Green Tea Extract, act as anti-inflammatories. Resveratrol neutralizes free radicals and reduces pigmentation caused by the sun, among other benefits.

Agency Skincare Costs

Let's briefly touch upon pricing:

  1. Subscription-Based: Agency operates on a subscription-based model, where you pay a flat monthly fee based on the products you choose.
  2. Customizable: You have the freedom to choose which products to include in your order. For instance, if you already have a cleanser and moisturizer you love, you can exclude the Cloud Care Duo.
  3. Pricing details can be found on their website, with plans starting at $30 per month.
  4. First Month Free Trial: Agency offers a first-month free trial to give customers an opportunity to experience their skincare line.

Final Thoughts on Agency Skincare

In my experience, the results achieved within a relatively short time have been nothing short of exceptional. This is particularly noteworthy when considering the powerful ingredients like Tretinoin and Hydroquinone, which can have temporary adverse effects. I attribute my success to the thoughtful selection of ingredients that work synergistically, coupled with the supportive structure of the process.

However, I do have a couple of personal suggestions for improvement:

Missing Essential Products: To enhance the turnkey nature of the Agency line, it would be beneficial to include a physical sunscreen and a Vitamin C formula. While Agency provides recommendations for these products on their blog, the addition of these items to their product range would be a welcome development.

Personalization and Customization: While Agency emphasizes customization and personalization, the absence of live communication may leave some individuals yearning for a more personalized touch. Including the option for one live conversation with the provider during the initial intake could enhance the overall experience.

Moving Forward with Agency Skincare

For the next six months, I plan to continue my journey with Agency Skincare to observe further improvements in my skin and witness how the company evolves. As of now, it appears that I'll be extending my stay at this remarkable all-inclusive skincare resort.

This comprehensive review explored the world of Agency Skincare—a revolutionary anti-aging line that embraces personalized dermatology. We covered why I chose to review Agency, delved into their process, discussed their products and pricing, and ultimately assessed whether Agency skincare is worth the investment. I also extended an invitation for anyone who has tried this line or similar ones to share their experiences.

Thank you for joining me on this skincare adventure!

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